IMI-Aktuell 2022/007

Japanische US-Basen: Teuer

von: 5. Januar 2022


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Einem Bericht zufolge sollen sich Japan und die USA auf eine ERhöhung des japanischen Beitrags für die Kosten der US-Basen im Land geeinigt haben: „Japan and the United States have agreed to increase Tokyo’s contribution for hosting U.S. military forces to 1.05 trillion yen ($9.2 billion) over the five-year period from fiscal 2022 starting April, government sources said Monday. The roughly 5 percent increase in so-called host nation support, equivalent to 211 billion yen per fiscal year, came in response to calls from the administration of U.S. President Joe Biden for the Japanese government to foot more of the costs, given the need for the U.S. forces to deal with China.“ (jw)