Bruxelles2 berichtet, der Name der sich anbahnenden EU-Militärmission im Roten Meer dürfte Aspides (nicht die Einzahl, Aspis, wie zunächst berichtet weurde), lauten. Anfangs war die Rede von der Entsendung von drei Fregatten, nun scheinen es deutlich mehr Kriegsschiffe zu werden: „In addition to the French Languedoc frigate of the FREMM type already active in the area and its alter ego the Italian ITS Virginio Fasan (F-591), the German frigate Hessen (F-221) is expected in the area . Two ships, the Danish frigate Iver Huitfeldt (F-361) and the Greek frigate FS Hydra (F-452), will also be involved in the American operation. But they could join the European operation as soon as it is launched, according to certain sources. Finally, the frigate Louise Marie (F-931) and the Dutch HNLMS Tromp (F-803) should arrive by March (or April) as soon as they receive Dutch political approval (in the Second Chamber).” (jw)