IMI-Aktuell 2023/565

Niger: Kritik an Sanktionen

von: 31. August 2023


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Mit einer relativ dramatischen Stellungnahme fordert das International Rescue Committee (IRC) beschreibt das International Rescue Committee (IRC) die humanitären Folgen der Sanktionen gegen die Republik Niger und fordert Ausnahmeregelungen für die Lieferung humanitärer Hilfe:

„However, the impact of these sanctions has reverberated beyond politics, as vital humanitarian supplies–including nutritional aid and medical provisions–are held up at the border, the lives of over 4 million people hang in the balance… ‚The clock is ticking, and the lives of Nigerian children are hanging in the balance‘, warned Paolo Cernuschi, IRC Niger Country Director. ‚Without swift action to implement humanitarian exemptions, we risk losing the battle against malnutrition and preventable diseases‘.“