Im Streit um die Kostenverteilung innerhalb der NATO können die USA nun als kleinen Punktsieg verbuchen, dass sich Deutschland bereit erklärt hat, seinen Anteil an den NATO-Kosten leicht zu erhöhen. Die Washington Post schreibt: „President Trump may soon win a largely symbolic victory in his effort to squeeze larger NATO contributions from Germany […]. The 2019 total for what is known as NATO’s common funding is $2.6 billion. […] Under the U.S.-backed proposal, American contributions toward NATO’s common funding would drop from 22.1 percent of the total to 15.9 percent, beginning in 2021, officials said. […] Germany would increase its share from 14.8 percent to 15.9 percent, matching the U.S. share and allowing both nations to point to a small area of agreement.“ (jw)