Im Atlantic (via Bpb-Newsletter) argumentiert die Jemen-Expertin Jillian Schwedler, der US-Drohnenkrieg im Jemen sei ein „Geschenk des Himmels“ für al-Kaida, da er viele Zivilisten töte und so Menschen regelrecht in die Arme der radikalislamistischen Gruppe treibe: „Al-Qaeda is able to operate in more spaces than ever before as the population becomes increasingly hostile to the United States. For al-Qaeda, she says, ‚the drone program is a gift from the heavens. Its recruiting narrative exploits common misperceptions of American omnipotence, offering an alternative route to justice and empowerment. Regardless of American perceptions about the legitimacy or efficacy of the attacks, what Yemeni could now deny that the United States is waging an undeclared war on Yemen?'“ (jw)