AP berichtet vom Besuch des US-Verteidigungsministers Austin in Kenia, bei dem ein Verteidigungsabkommen zwischen beiden Ländern unterzeichnet worden sei. Demnach wollen die USA die kenianischen Streitkräfte finanziell und materiell unterstützen, die neben ihrem Einsatz im benachbarten Somalia künftig auch in Haiti gegen Gangs kämpfen sollen:
„Kenya has pledged to send 1,000 security officers to Haiti to combat gang violence in a mission that is pending the U.N Security Council’s formal approval but has received support from the U.N. and U.S. Duale said his country is ready to deploy to Haiti and cited Kenya’s “very long history of global peacekeeping” in Kosovo, neighboring Somalia and Congo. Human rights activists, meanwhile, have expressed concerns over the deployment, citing a history of human rights abuses during security operations in the country.“