IMI-Aktuell 2022/374

Sanktionen: Tendenz steigend

von: 3. August 2022


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Nicholas Mulder hat das Buch „The Economic Weapon: The Rise of Sanctions as a Tool of Modern War“ veröffentlicht, von dem Auszüge bereits vor einiger Zeit in der Foreign Policy erschienen sind. In lediglich einem Drittel aller Fälle seien Sanktionen „zumindest halbwegs“ erfolgreich gewesen, dennoch würde immer stärker auf sie zurückgegriffen: „What is striking is that this limited usefulness has not affected frequency of use. To the contrary: Sanctions use doubled in the 1990s and 2000s from its level in the period from 1950 to 1985; by the 2010s it had doubled again. […] Yet while in the 1985-1995 period, at a moment of great relative Western power, the chances of sanctions success were still around 35 to 40 percent, by 2016 this had fallen below 20 percent. In other words, while the use of sanctions has surged, their odds of success have plummeted.“ (jw)