IMI-Aktuell 2022/264

Ukraine: Keine Verhandlungen

von: 31. Mai 2022


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Es wird immer deutlicher, dass vor allem die USA und Großbritannien in der Ukraine einen langen Stellvertreter-Krieg zur Schwächung Russlands führen wollen und deshalb mit Verhandlungen herzlich wenig am Hut haben (siehe IMI-Analyse 2022/26). Auch das jacobinmagazine beschäftigt sich in einem ausführlichen Artikel mit diesem Thema: „Knowledgeable observers of the diplomatic scene say that there has been little appetite or effort from Washington to prepare for a diplomatic resolution of the conflict, even as it has become more and more deeply embroiled in what both Russian and American voices are increasingly calling a proxy war between the two nuclear superpowers. While there have been no shortage of voices calling for an escalation of US military support for Ukraine, those calling for the United States to take an active diplomatic role to bring the Russian invasion to an end have been few and far between. […] If the diplomatic line between Kiev and Moscow has gone cold in recent weeks, the one between Moscow and Washington is buried under an ice shelf.“ (jw)