Schon länger wurde auf die militärischen Dimensionen von 5G hingewiesen (siehe IMI-Analyse 2020/09). Nun schreibt die defensenews, die NATO habe das Thema für sich entdeckt und sei bestrebt sicherzustellen, dass zivile 5G-Standards eine militärische Verwendbarkeit nicht beeinträchtigen: „NATO’s technical agency [NCIA] wants to make sure it has a say in ongoing 5G standardization talks to ensure the critical technology can be used for both civilian and military purposes. The alliance has recently established its own multinational 5G initiative, with over 10 member-nations currently involved. [The] NCIA has currently dedicated funding “in the single millions” for 5G technologies, but noted that if the 5G initiative materialized into a “real program,” they could dedicate ten times more funding than that. […] NATO will continue to work to ensure the military uses of 5G are taken into account in the civilian development of new standards“. (jw)