Angesichts der jüngsten Ausführungen von Generalstabschef Mark Milley, er habe dafür gesorgt, dass unter Donald Trump jede Entscheidung für einen Einsatz von Atomwaffen über seinen Schreibtisch gehen würde, sind die Ausführungen bei Defense One „interessant“. Denn tatsächlich hat der US-Präsident was die Entscheidung zum Nuklearwaffeneinsatz anbelangt, eine weitgehende Narrenfreiheit (was im Falle Trumps wohl wörtlich zu verstehen ist, weshalb Milley versuchte, einen Daumen auf eine solche Entscheidung zu bekommen): „But Gen. Milley—though chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the president’s chief military advisor—is not formally part of that procedure. As former Defense Secretary Bill Perry and I explore in our book The Button, policy established during the Cold War puts decisions about the use of nuclear weapons are solely in the hands of the civilian president, not Congress and above all not the military. All the president needs to do is call the Pentagon’s War Room—using the nuclear “football” or some other means—then identify himself and give the order to launch. The president may choose to consult with senior advisors such as Gen. Milley but is not required to. […] The former president, for one, called his former military advisor’s actions “treason.” But rather than criticizing the general, we need to change the policy that put him in an impossible spot. ” (jw)