IMI-Aktuell 2021/407

USA und Russland: Gespräche

von: 26. Juli 2021


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Eines der wenigen guten Zeichen ist, dass die USA und Russland diese Woche Gespräche über die Zukunft der atomaren Rüstungskontrolle aufnehmen wollen, die unter Donald Trump vor dem nahezu vollständigen Aus gestanden hatte. Stars & Stripes berichtet, die Knackpunkte seien die US-Forderung, substrategische Waffen (Reichweite unter 5.500km) einzubeziehen, während Moskau Raketenabwehrsysteme berücksichtigt wissen will: „The two sides expect to explore how to move beyond the New START treaty that Biden and Putin agreed earlier this year to extend until 2026. That treaty had been due to expire in February and former President Donald Trump’s administration had not moved to extend it. […] The Biden administration wants further arms negotiations to include Russia’s numerically superior arsenal of non-strategic nuclear missiles, which are not covered by New START and are a particular concern to European allies. The Russians have said they will insist that any new agreement include negotiated limits on U.S. missile defenses, which they see as a longer-term threat to the viability of their strategic arsenal.” (jw)