Wired berichtet, das Pentagon habe eine eigene Einheit aufgestellt, die sich allein mit dem hacken von KI-Systemen befasst – man muss selbst entscheiden, ob man der Erklärung Glauben schenkt, die geschehe nicht für offensive Zwecke, sondern ausschließlich, um potenziellen Attacken zuvor zu kommen: “The Joint Artificial Intelligence Center, created by the Pentagon to help the US military make use of AI, recently formed a unit to collect, vet, and distribute open source and industry machine learning models to groups across the Department of Defense. Part of that effort points to a key challenge with using AI for military ends. A machine learning “red team,” known as the Test and Evaluation Group, will probe pretrained models for weaknesses. Another cybersecurity team examines AI code and data for hidden vulnerabilities.” (jw)