IMI-Aktuell 2021/276

Japan: Deckel ab

von: 21. Mai 2021


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Er japanisch Militärhaushalt blieb stets unter der magischen Zahl von einem Prozent des Bruttoinlandsproduktes. NikkeiAsia interpretiert Aussagen von Verteidigungsminister Nobuo Kishi dahingehend, dass diese Grenze nun überschritten werden soll: „The statement signals that Japan is ready to do away with its long-standing 1% GDP ceiling for annual defense spending, and reflects the country’s intent to bolster its own national defense capabilities, as Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga promised U.S. President Joe Biden last month. […] Since the 1990s, the only year that Japan’s defense spending exceeded 1% of GDP was fiscal 2010, when GDP plummeted after the global financial crisis.” (jw)