IMI-Aktuell 2021/022

Guantanomo: Bidens Versprechen

von: 13. Januar 2021


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Anlässlich des 19. „Geburtstages“ des US-Gefangenenlagers Guantanamo erinnert Al Jazeera (via Bpb-Newsletter) an das schon zehn Jahre vergangene Versprechen Joe Bidens, diesen Schandfleck zu schließen: „Amnesty International is now urging President-elect Joe Biden to fulfil a promise he made 10 years ago to close it down. There are still 40 people held there with no access to fair trials. Amnesty’s 62-page report says the detentions at Guantanamo are ‚inescapably bound up with‘ years of unlawful government misconduct and that there is a continuing lack of accountability for that.“ (jw)