IMI-Aktuell 2021/015

Saudische Rüstungsindustrie

von: 10. Januar 2021


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Arabnews berichtet über saudische Pläne, bis 2030 fünfzig Prozent seines „Rüstungsbedarfs“ aus einheimischer Industrie decken zu können: „Saudi Arabia spends more on defense than all but a few other countries, but until now it has imported virtually all of its military equipment from abroad. Walid Abdulmajid Abukhaled aims to change that completely and irrevocably. Abukhaled, with a long career in the international defense industry, is CEO of Saudi Arabian Military Industries (SAMI), the company charged with expanding the Kingdom’s indigenous defense industry, with the goal of localizing at least 50 percent of supply by 2030.” (jw)