Ein ganzer zusätzlicher US-Flottenverband soll anscheinend dauerhaft in den Indopazifik verlegt werden, der 1. Flottenverband solle dafür reaktiviert werden. Das zumindest scheinen die Vorstellungen von Kenneth Braithwaite, dem stellvertretenden Verteidigungsminister für Marinefragen, zu sein, über die USNI berichtet.; „‘We can’t just rely on the 7th Fleet in Japan. We have to look to our other allies and partners like Singapore, like India, and actually put a numbered fleet where it would be extremely relevant if, god forbid, we were to ever to get in any kind of a dust-up,” Braithwaite continued. […] Adding a 1st Fleet would alleviate some of the strain on 7th Fleet and allow two fleet commanders to give more attention to a smaller number of allies and partners and a smaller amount of geographical space.” (jw)