IMI-Aktuell 2020/675

New Start: Gerangel

von: 14. Oktober 2020


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Das Gerangel zwischen den USA und Russland um die Verlängerung des New-Start-Vertrages zur Begrenzung atomarer Langstreckensysteme und Sprengköpfe geht weiter. berichtet, US-Angaben, man sei kurz vor einer Einigung, sei von russischer Seite widersprochen worden: „Billingslea [Trump’s envoy for arms control] has earlier threatened Russia that the price to renew the treaty “will go up” if Moscow does not agree to terms before the November 3rd US presidential election. According to Sputnik, Ryabkov also said on Tuesday that Russia would refuse any agreement on New START that was timed to coincide with the election.” (jw)