Ein Bericht an dem u.a. Ben Hodges, der ehemalige Kommandierende der US-Streitkräfte in Europa, mitgeschrieben hat, fordert, das Schwarze Meer stärker in den Blick zu nehmen. Bei Stars & Stripes heißt es dazu: „’What was once a Russian naval backwater is now the centerpiece of Moscow’s power projection into the Mediterranean … It is evidently more willing to use force in the Black Sea region than anywhere else along the Eastern Flank,’ retired Lt. Gen. Ben Hodges said in the report released Tuesday by the Center for European Policy Analysis. Titled ‚One Flank, One Threat, One Presence: A Strategy for NATO’s Eastern Flank,‘ the report, co-authored by Hodges and security analyst Janusz Bugajski, argues that NATO has focused on building up in the Baltics with multinational battlegroups and other measures, and overlooked the Black Sea region. It recommends changes that would put the Black Sea ‚in the middle of the geostrategic map.’” (jw)