Um den dubiosen Putschversuch in Venezuela, bei dem Anfang Mai auch zwei US-Söldner festgenommen worden sein sollen, gibt es noch viele Fragezeichen. Vox (via Bpb-Newsletter) bring nun ausführliche Informationen über den Ablauf, wie sich ihn die Putschisten vorgestellt haben sollen, die auf Informationen des Navy SEAL Ephraim Mattos basieren sollen, der in direktem Kontakt mit den Söldnern gestanden haben soll: „Beginning on May 1, nearly 60 Venezuelans and two former US Green Berets tried to enter the northern tip of Venezuela in two fishing boats, armed with far fewer weapons than desired. […] The plan, to be executed […] consisted of two parts for the roughly 300 men. One team would take over Maracaibo, Venezuela’s second-largest city, which has a crucial seaport. A second team would simultaneously push to Caracas […]. With Maracaibo and the seat of Venezuelan power secured, American helicopters would transport Maduro to the US, where he is wanted on drug trafficking charges. Juan Guaidó, the US-backed Venezuelan opposition leader who nearly 18 months ago launched a global movement to become the country’s new president, would finally take over. […] ‘The whole thing was so ridiculous that it would never work,’ former US Navy SEAL Ephraim Mattos, who was not involved in the plan but heard the details directly from the Venezuelans involved, told me. ‘It was totally insane.’” (jw)