Vom Atlantic Council stammt ein neuer Vorschlag, die beiden britischen Flugzeugträger sollten als Grundlage einer europäischen Staffel dienen: “The reality of NATO in the 21st century is that the United States will not be able to match emergent peer competitors alone. […] the Royal Navy does not have enough billets, ships, or fighter aircraft to continually operate a carrier strike group. […] now is the perfect time for European militaries to work together to maximize their resources and military readiness. No better opportunity exists than to use HMS Queen Elizabeth and HMS Prince of Wales as hubs for a European carrier strike group. […] The navies of Europe have some excellent force options to support the HMS Queen Elizabeth with air, surface, and subsurface defense. […] Germany is, for a number of reasons, perhaps a more difficult partner, but the F124 Sachsen class frigate, which is more on par with a UK or US destroyer, could also handily fill the role of destroyer escort. […] The UK-led NATO European carrier strike group would serve as an example that could also be applied carrier strike groups built around the French carrier Charles de Gaulle and the Italian carrier Giuseppe Garibaldi. Such integration would be a serious step forward for allied defense integration in NATO.“ (jw)