Politico (via Bpb-Newsletter) berichtet, das Pentagon „sitze“ auf diversen Frequenzen (zwischen 3100 and 3350 MHz), die es nicht rausrücken wolle, was paradoxerweise den Ausbau von 5G in den USA verzögere, einheimische Konzerne Schwäche und die chinesische Konkurrenz stärke: „As 5G moves quickly from a sales pitch to a business reality, a significant battle is erupting between wireless carriers, which want the government to free up the Pentagon’s share of the mid-band airwaves for commercial use, and Pentagon generals, who warn of national-security risks if they lose control […] with China racing to exploit its lead, the lack of mid-band open to American companies is raising a bigger worry for U.S. competitiveness”. Vorgestern unterstrich Verteidigungsminister Mark Esper c4isrnet.com zufolge noch einmal, das Militär beabsichtige nicht, die Frequenzen an den Markt abzutreten: „U.S. Defense Secretary Mark Esper is pushing back against telecom companies’ efforts to claim mid-band spectrum in their race with China to build the next-generation mobile networks, known as 5G. The U.S. military uses those airwaves for several major weapons systems.” (jw)