Auf eine formale Zusicherung, unter keinen Umständen als erstes Atomwaffen in einem Konflikt einzusetzen, haben die USA bislang stets verzichtet. Laut National Interest (via Bpb-Newsletter) hat die aussichtsreiche demokratische Präsidentschaftskandidatin Elizabeth Warren genau dies im Falle ihres Wahlsieges vor, könnte aber wie einige Vorgänger an Widerständen scheitern: „Both Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama tried — but failed — to incorporate NFU into their Nuclear Posture Reviews (NPR), the document that defines an administration’s official outlook on nuclear weapons. If Warren wants an NFU, she should look to these Democratic presidents’ pasts to learn how to make her lofty goal achievable. (…) Unlike Clinton, Obama took a very active role in the construction of his NPR. (…) In the end, though, leadership wasn’t enough. The Obama Administration’s NPR was wracked by the tension between realists and idealists. On one hand, Obama had promised to bring about major nuclear reforms, such as committing the United States to the total elimination of nuclear weapons. On the other hand, the military continued to press instead for the document to focus on pragmatic, traditionalist approaches to problems like nuclear terrorism and proliferation. Even Obama’s own national security personnel disagreed amongst themselves.“ (jw)