Die USA haben laut American Interest bereits vor einiger Zeit recht nassforsch Anspruch auf die Arktis erhoben – und es dabei geschafft, selbst den eigentlich engen Verbpndeten Kanada zu verärgern: „In May, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo set forth his Northern Doctrine in a speech to an assembly of the Arctic Council, attended by countries with Arctic borders— Canada, Denmark (including Greenland), Finland, Iceland, Norway, Russia, Sweden, and the United States. In blunt terms, he put Russia and China on notice for militarizing the region and chastened Canada, describing its claim of sovereignty over the Northwest Passage as ‚illegitimate.‘ […] Pompeo’s bluntness surprised many, and a Canadian government spokesman pushed back politely: ‚Canada and the U.S. have differing views regarding the status of the Northwest Passage under international law,‘ said Guillaume Berube, a spokesman for the Department of Foreign Affairs.“ (jw)