Im National Interest (via Bpb-Newsletter) wird davon berichtet, das US-Militär kalkuliere, dass für einen Einmarsch in Venezuela 100.000 Soldaten benötigt würden. Aus diesem Grund würden viele Militärs von einem solchen Schritt, mit dem die Trump-Regierung ja mehr oder weniger offen immer wieder liebäugelt, warnen: „Retired Navy Admiral James Stavridis, SOUTHCOM commander from 2006 to 2009, said he opposes intervention. ‚I would not advise it,‘ Stavridis said of a potential U.S. invasion. ‚I commanded U.S. Southern Command for three years in Miami, so I can picture pretty much what is happening there,‘ he added in comments to Foreign Policy. (…) Navy admiral Craig Faller, SOUTHCOM commander, on May 2, 2019 told a Congressional committee the most likely scenario is a military-led mission to help U.S. citizens evacuate Venezuela. Around 200 U.S. troops are in Colombia and immediately could assist with an evacuation. Stavridis agreed. ‚The most aggressive contingency plan they are looking at would be one that would protect American citizens if for some reason there were a backlash against them. That would be the only circumstance in which I could see U.S. troop presence.‘ (…) ‚In the end, this, I think, will play out politically and diplomatically, not militarily,‘ Stavridis said.“ (jw)