Durchaus originell meldet sich der Chef der „Bundesakademie für Sicherheitspolitik“, Karl-Heinz Kamp, in einer Publikation für das NATO Defence College zu Wort. Russland sei militärisch kaum mehr ernst zu nehmen, dadurch drohe aber eine endgültige Abkehr der USA von Europa und damit von der NATO, wenn diese sich nicht neu erfinde, indem sie sich mit Blick auf China nach Ostasien orientiere: „The Russian armed forces might be able to attack or bully smaller neighbours, but they are hardly capable of taking decisive action on a global scale – and the situation is likely to further deteriorate as the reduction of the Russian defence budget for 2018 indicated. […] In this new US-Chinese bilateralism, NATO could assert its relevance for the US only, if it contributed to containing China’s potential global ambitions and to preventing Beijing from replacing the liberal, rules-based order (which had always been supported by the US – prior to Donald Trump) with its own concept of international relations. A NATO, which is able to contribute to deterring China, would not only be beneficial to the US but also to the European Allies. […] In the long run, though, […] major European NATO members will have to build up military – primarily naval – capabilities, to operate in the Asia-Pacifi c as the region of intense competition for international leadership. This would not only be necessary from the NATO side but also from the perspective of the EU with its ambitions to become a true global player.” (jw)