IMI-Aktuell 2019/111

Jemen: Gesetz

von: 15. Februar 2019


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Die Military Times berichtet, das US-Repräsentantenhaus habe mit 248 zu 177 Stimmen ein Gesetz verabschiedet, das es dem US-Militär verbiete, Unterstützung für den Krieg im Jemen zu leisten. Allerdings sei davon auszugehen, dass Präsident Trump Veto dagegen einlegen werde: „House lawmakers approved a measure to block all U.S. forces and equipment from involvement in the ongoing civil war in Yemen, in an effort to stop American forces from assisting Saudi Arabia in the hostilities there. […] Military commands in recent years have provided aircraft refueling services as well as other logistical support in the Yemen conflict — but no troops on the ground. […] Rep. Ro Khanna, D-Calif., and sponsor of the resolution, said the goal is to ‚end American complicity in the atrocities in Yemen.'“ (jw)