Breakingdefense berichtet, das Pentagon arbeite im Zuge des „Missile Defense Review“ an neuen offensiven Raketen, deren Dislozierung durch die Suspendierung des INF-Vertrages nun legal wäre. Das Portal zitiert den Stellvertretenden US-Unterstaatssekretär David Trachtenberg, dass man – derzeit zumindest – hier konventionelle Raketen im Auge habe: „In particular, the review puts a new emphasis on cruise missiles, not just ballistic missiles. (Cruise missiles fly low and slow through the atmosphere, but can maneuver; ballistic missiles fly at blinding speeds but in predictable trajectories, much of the time through space). Hence the name Missile Defense Review, as opposed to previous administrations’ Ballistic Missile Defense Reviews. […] Deploying new nukes to Europe, ‘we have no plans to do that,’ Trachtenberg emphasized. “What we have been planning to do and have been doing is …research and development of conventionally armed systems within the range that is currently banned by the treaty.” (jw)