Einem Bericht von Defensenews zufolge hätte sich Großbritannien wohl gerne am geplanten deutsch-französischen Kampfflugzeug beteiligt, sei aber außen vor gelassen worden. Aus diesem Grund plane das Land nun als Konkurrenzprodukt den Bau eines eigenen Kampfflugzeuges: „Expectations are growing among industry executives and analysts that the British government will use a huge gathering of international air force chiefs in the U.K. in mid-July to outline a strategy leading to development of a new generation of fighter jets for the post-2040 era. […] Jon Louth, the director of defense, industries and society at the Royal United Services Institute think tank in London, said it’s a big ask to see the U.K. joining the nascent program now being touted by France and Germany. ‘The Germans and the French want to go it alone on this and almost have it as a European Union exemplar,’ Louth said.” (jw)