Die Androhung von Sanktionen durch die USA im Zuge der Aufkündigung des Iran-Deals bezeichnet der frühere schwedische Premierminister Carl Bildt in der Washington Post (via Bpb-Newsletter) als „massiven Angriff“ auf die Souveränität Europas: „The president has now directed maximum economic sanctions to be applied. But with few exceptions (Boeing is the one of significance), these sanctions don’t really affect American business or activities. They have already, in one way or the other, been blocked from business with Iran. Instead, the brunt of the sanctions offensive directly affects business in Europe. […] This is nothing less than a massive assault on the sovereignty of European states and the European Union. They are deprived of their right to decide on their policies and actions by brutal dictates from a foreign — and allegedly friendly — country. This is utterly unacceptable from a European point of view, as well as a violation of the preaching of Trump himself. “ (jw)