Die Fähigkeit, die Regeln des Weltwirtschaftssystems zum eigenen Vorteil bestimmen zu können, ist ein wesentlicher Machtfaktor im internationalen System. Eine wesentliche Funktion von TTIP und TPP war es, diese Fähigkeit aufrechtzuerhalten, was allerdings nun seit Amtsantritt Donald Trumps erst einmal vom Tisch ist. Unterdessen wird China im Zuge des Neue Seidenstraße genannten milliardenschweren Investitionsprogramms in zahlreichen eurasischen Ländern nun Bloomberg (via Bpb-Newsletter) zufolge auch hier immer aktiver: „As China boosts overseas investment through its Belt and Road infrastructure program, it is increasingly dictating not just the terms of financing but also a broader set of technological applications. In doing so, it is altering the global competitive landscape by defining and exporting technical standards for everything from artificial intelligence to hydropower. […] The process has so far mostly unfolded domestically, and in Chinese, as China’s government has sought to develop its own set of industrial standards for companies operating within its borders. That has made the effort mostly opaque to outsiders. Yet regulators are now starting to translate those standards into English — a clear sign that they’re meant to be exported overseas. And that should worry China’s competitors. For decades, America’s ability to set domestic standards that would then spread globally benefited its economy greatly. As a recent paper by the East-West Center put it, „Standards serve as bridges between developing innovations and the marketization and industrialization of those innovations.“ The specification of even everyday items such as USB ports has given American companies a strong advantage in selling goods in other markets.” (jw)