Foreign Policy berichtet darüber, dass die UN-Botschafterin der USA, Nikki Haley, die Vergabe von Hilfsgeldern explizit an das Wahlverhalten bestimmter Staaten in den Vereinten Nationen koppeln will. So völlig neu ist dies nicht, nur dass es relativ offen hinausposaunt wird, entspricht eben nicht den diplomatischen Gepflogenheiten: „U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley is proposing a sweeping reassessment of U.S. foreign assistance with a view to punishing dozens of poor countries that vote against U.S. policies at the U.N., according to a confidential internal memo drafted by her staff. […] ‘It is the opinion of the U.S. mission to the U.N. that all U.S. foreign assistance should be reevaluated to ensure that taxpayers dollars are spent to advance U.S. interests, not to fund foreign legacy programs that provide little or no return on investment,’ according to the 53-page memo, which was reviewed by Foreign Policy.” (jw)