IMI-Aktuell 2018/032

Basenland Dschibuti

von: 17. Januar 2018


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Als Auftakt zu einer Serie über „die kommenden Kriege“ (The coming wars) veröffentlicht einen Bericht über Dschibuti, das demnach mehr ausländische Basen beherberge, als jedes andere Land (was die Gesamtzahl ausländischer Basen in dem kleinen Land angeht, darf das bezweifelt werden, was ihre „nationale Vielfalt“ angeht, trifft es sicherlich zu):
„As France — the first to maintain a military presence in the country — slowly abandons its bases due to budgetary constraints, others have been moving in. The United States recently opened a second base on Chabelley Airfield — unmentioned in its public list of overseas bases — after its drones interfered with air traffic at Camp Lemonnier. The country hosts China and Japan’s only foreign military bases. There’s an Italian base too and Saudi Arabia is building one as well. Djibouti has made overtures to Turkey. And, according to Mohammed, (and later an second independent source) Russia has made inquiries.
India too is rumored to be considering the possibility of acquiring a block of the most prized military real estate in the world. If it does, every major global power will have a Djibouti footprint and the country will resemble a live model of state conflict in the 21st century.“