IMI-Aktuell 2017/640

Chinesisch-Russischer Handel

von: 19. Oktober 2017


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Seit der Eskalation der Beziehungen mit dem Westen und den gegen Russland verhängten Sanktionen kam es zu einer spürbaren Annäherung des Landes an China, was sich  laut Moscow Times (via Bpb-Newsletter) auch einem stark gestiegenem Handelsvolumen niederschlägt: „Russia’s drive to make China its most important trade partner in terms of dollar turnover is on track, as trade between the two new-found friends increases steadily. The partners are hoping that trade will hit $80 billion this year and $200 billion by the end of the decade. (…) From January to September trade between Russia and China increased by 22.4 percent year-on-year to $61.4 billion, the General Administration of Customs of the People’s Republic of China announced on Oct. 13.“ (jw)