Der National Interest (via Bpb-Newsletter) schätzt, dass der Wiederaufbau Syriens 1Billion Dollar erforderlich sein könnten. Da aus den Golfstaaten kein Geld fließen dürfte, sollte Assad an der Macht bleiben, sei ein Einstieg Chinas wahrscheinlich, da solch ein Betrag von Russland nicht zu stemmen sei: „Oil-rich Gulf countries will not pay for the reconstruction if Bashar al-Assad stays in power, and neither will Iran, which is already struggling economically and warding off a potential standoff with Donald Trump. China, however, is seemingly both willing and able to pay the lion’s share of reconstruction – if given the proper economic incentives, along with other countries in the BRICS framework, an association of five emerging and powerful economies (Brazil, India, South Africa, and of course, Russia and China).” (jw)