IMI-Aktuell 2017/030

Bedrohliche Sicherheitsapparate

von: 20. Januar 2017


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Amnesty International hat die Studie “Dangerously disproportionate” (via Bpb-Newsletter) veröffentlicht, in der die Sicherheitsapparate von 14 EU-Staaten untersucht werden. Diese seien in den letzten zwei Jahren auf gefährliche Weise ausgebaut worden: „[There is] a profound shift in paradigm across Europe: a move from the view that it is the role of governments to provide security so that people can enjoy their rights, to the view that governments must restrict people’s rights in order to provide security. The result has been an insidious redrawing of the boundaries between the powers of the state and the rights of individuals.” (jw)