Ein hochinteressanter Artikel zum Putschversuch in der Türkei erschien im National Interest (via Bpb-Newsletter). Darin argumentiert Bruno Macaes, ein früherer Europa-Staatssekretär in Portugal, für die für den Putschversuch verantwortlich gemachte Gulen-Bewegung, die sich eng an die USA und die Europäische Union anlehnt, sei wohl der türkische Annäherungskurs gegenüber Russland der Anlass für den Umsturzversuch gewesen. Dieser Annäherungskurs habe schon einige Zeit zuvor eingesetzt, sei dann durch den – in Macaes Interpretation – nicht von Regierungsseite angeordneten Abschuss der russischen Maschine unterbrochen, dann aber etwas vor dem Putschversuch wieder aufgenomemn worden. Der Autor macht dabei auf die in der Tat bemerkenswerte Tatache aufmerksam, dass der Pilot des Flugzeuges, der durch den Abschuss des russischen Flugzeuges eine Eiszeit im Verhältnis zwischen Moskau und Ankara ausgelöst hatte, nun als einer der Putschisten identifiziert wurde: “Once Davutoǧlu had been replaced, Erdoǧan moved quickly to mend ties with Russia. At the end of June he apologized to Putin for the downing of a Russian bomber last year that had poisoned relations between the two countries. […] The Russia question has always been an important one inside the Turkish military. Some of the Kemalist officers see Russia as a partner in resisting Western global hegemony. They point to the beginnings of the Turkish Republic and the support it received from the Soviet Union. Returning to the original spirit of Kemalism would mean for them a break with Western ideology and a turn towards a planned, socialist economic policy, now on the model of the developmental state. The Erdogan regime seems to have moved some distance in this direction, in which it was vehemently opposed by Gulen and his followers. […] The increasing signs that Erdogan was mulling a new great alliance with Moscow and Tehran set off the alarms. Was this the immediate reason for the failed coup? Turkish journalists have for a few months commented in private that the Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter jet that shot down the Russian bomber was a rogue unit operating outside the chain of command. […] In what must be one of the most remarkable facts about the coup, we know that one of the pilots aboard the rebel fighters the night of the coup was in fact the pilot who shot down the Russian plane in November 2015. […]As a final twist, we should mention the reports about a direct Russian role the night of the failed coup. Fars news agency of Iran (closed linked to the Tehran government) quoted diplomatic sources in Ankara as saying that Turkey’s National Intelligence Organization received intelligence from its Russian counterpart that warned of an impending coup.” (jw)