IMI-Aktuell 2016/454

IS-Krieg geschönt

von: 12. August 2016


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Eine am 10. August veröffentlichte Untersuchung des US-Repräsentantenhauses kommt zu dem Ergebnis, das US-Zentralkommando (CENTCOM) habe systematisch seine „Erfolge“ im Krieg gegen den Islamischen Staat (IS) geschönt: „Based on its own investigation, the Joint Task Force has substantiated that structural and  management  changes  made  at  the  CENTCOM  Intelligence  Directorate starting  in  mid-2014 resulted in the production and dissemination of intelligence products that were inconsistent with the  judgments  of  many  senior,  career analysts  at  CENTCOM. These products were consistently more optimistic regarding the conduct of U.S. military action than that of the senior analysts.” (jw)