IMI-Aktuell 2016/106

Syrien: Kriegskosten

von: 24. Februar 2016


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Wie Mother Jones (via Bpb-Newsletter) berichtet, kostete der Krieg gegen den „Islamischen Staat“ die USA bislang in 542 Tagen 6,2 Mrd. Dollar. Weitere 7,5 Mrd. seien vom Pentagon angefordert worden. Hinzu komme, dass sich die Kampagne stetig ausweite: „Beyond the money, the war itself is ramping up, including more airstrikes with fewer restrictions on civilian casualties and more special-forces troops on the ground. The scope of the battle has also expanded to Afghanistan and Libya (where last Friday airstrikes hit an ISIS camp). And as plans are being drawn up for major battles to recapture the ISIS strongholds of Raqqa, Syria, and Mosul, Iraq, there are calls for more US troops to be deployed in combat or advisory roles.” (jw)