Im Strife Magazine erschien der Artikel „Professional Military Education as an Hegemonic Tool in U.S. International Security Policy”, der den “Mehrwert” militärischer Ausbildungsprogramme zum Erhalt der US-Vorherrschaft thematisiert und auf die rapide gestiegenen Budegts in diesem Zusammenhang verweist: „Taking the most recent figures available, for example, over the period of 2003 to 2013 inclusive the U.S. Department of State and Department of Defence spent a combined $6,013,484,553 on foreign military training programmes, averaging 0.09% of total U.S. defence expenditure across the period. During this 11 year period alone annual PME expenditure rose alongside wider defence expenditure by over 50%, from a total of $490,537,172 in 2003 to a total of $738,321,586 in 2013.” (jw)