Defense One kritisiert die US-Strategie zur Bekämpfung des „Islamischen Staates“ (IS), die darin bestehe, per Bombardierungen möglichst viele Kämpfer zu töten. Dies habe sich als erfolgslos erwiesen, da keine Anstrengungen unternommen würden, den Zulauf neuer Kämpfer zu verhindern, weshalb „unterm Strich“ die Zahl der Kämpfer nicht abgenommen habe: „The primary focus—meaning the commitment of personnel, resources, and senior leaders’ attention—of U.S. counterterrorism policies is the capture or killing (though, overwhelmingly killing) of existing terrorists. Far less money and programmatic attention is dedicated to preventing the emergence of new terrorists […] The problem with this ‘kill-em’-all with airstrikes’ rule, is that it is not working. Pentagon officials claim that at least 25,000 Islamic State fighters have been killed […] At the same time, officials admit that the size of the group has remained wholly unchanged. In 2014, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) estimated the size of the Islamic State to be between 20,000 and 31,000 fighters, while on Wednesday, Warren again repeated the 30,000 estimate. To summarize the anti-Islamic State bombing calculus: 30,000 – 25,000 = 30,000.” (jw)