IMI-Aktuell 2015/576

Britische Medien: Außer Rand und Band

von: 19. Oktober 2015


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Nicht nur in Deutschland scheint dies zu einem – wachsenden – Problem zu werden: Spiked (via Bpb-Newsletter) kritisiert, das auch die britischen Medien zunehmend nahezu unkommentiert Regierungspositionen widerbeten würden: „Since the Ukrainian crisis, the British media seem to have killed off their critical faculties and burned the remains for good measure. Even intelligent analysts and commentators have forgotten the lessons of the Cold War and have so easily slipped back into a pale imitation of a Cold War narrative. When it comes to the coverage of Russian bombing in Syria, however, the British media have surpassed themselves. The reporting on Russian airstrikes in Syria has ranged from the idiotic to the dishonest to the frankly astonishing.“ (jw)