Das EU Institut für Strategische Studien hat eine neue Analyse der Operation EU NAVFOR Med zur Bekämpfung illegalisierter Migration veröffentlicht. In mindestens dreierlei Hinsicht sei diese Operation „innovativ“: „Following the anti-piracy operation in the Gulf of Aden (Atalanta), EUNAVFOR Med confirms the maritime dimension of CSDP in the management of new types of security threats. The operation also brings CSDP closer to the EU internal security portfolio and its Freedom, Security and Justice (FSJ) agenda. Finally, EUNAVFOR Med is the first CSDP operation with a potential openly coercive mandate which, if implemented, would lead the EU to engage in ‘peace enforcement’-type activities.” Eine kritische Auseinandersetzung mit der Operation findet sich u.a. in IMI-Analyse 31/2015. (jw)