Der »Foreign Policy« zufolge entwerfe das US-Verteidigungsministerium neue Einsatzpläne für eine militärische Konfrontation mit Russland in den baltischen Staaten. Allerdings sei in Kriegssimulationen der »RAND Corporation« deutlich geworden, dass die USA und die NATO einen Krieg im Baltikum mit hoher Sicherheit verlieren würden: „’Our question was: Would NATO be able to defend those countries?‘ [David Ochmanek] recalls. The results were dispiriting. (…) ‚We just don’t have those forces in Europe,‘ Ochmanek explains. Then there’s the fact that the Russians have the world’s best surface-to-air missiles and are not afraid to use heavy artillery. After eight hours of gaming out various scenarios, the blue team went home depressed. ‚The conclusion,‘ Ochmanek says, ‚was that we are unable to defend the Baltics.‘ (…) The Defense Department has factored the results of the exercise into its planning, says the senior defense official, ‚to better understand a situation that few of us have thought about in detail for a number of years.‘ When asked about Ochmanek’s conclusions, the official expressed confidence that, eventually, NATO would claw the territory back.“ (mh)