Die neuen Zahlen der UN-Mission UNAMA über die Zivilopfer in Afghanistan sind erschütternd: “UNAMA documented 10,548 civilian casualties in 2014, the highest number of civilian deaths and injuries recorded in a single year since 2009. Included in the toll were 3,699 civilian deaths (up 25 per cent) and 6,849 civilian injuries (up 21 per cent) for a 22 per cent rise in total civilian casualties over 2013. Since 2009, the armed conflict in Afghanistan has caused 47,745 civilian casualties with 17,774 Afghan civilians killed and 29,971 injured.” Bedacht warden muss hierbei noch die hohe Dunkelziffer und die zahlreichen Kombattanten, die dem Krieg zum Opfer fielen und überhaupt nicht erfasst warden. (jw)