Eine am 25. Juni veröffentlichte Studie von IHS prognostiziert bei gleichen Wachstumsraten eine Verdopplung des globalen Waffenhandels bis zum Jahr 2020, wobei der tatsächliche Umsatz weit höher sei als es die offiziellen Zahlen nahelegen würden: “Global arms trade (exports and imports between countries) is up significantly despite the global economic downturn, increasing 30 percent between 2008 and 2012, from USD56.5bn to USD73.5bn. At this rate, defence trade between countries will have more than doubled by 2020. The global defence export and services market will have reached $100bn by 2018. IHS analysis suggests that world trade is at least 30 percent higher than as stated in other prominent studies publicly available.” (jw)