» English texts
The Information Centre on Militarisation (IMI) e.V. has been working since 1996 in a wide range of peace policy issues with a strong focus on Germany and its role in the world.
As a non-profit organization, it is our goal to provide our analysis and information to contribute to international understanding. We see ourselves as a mediator between the peace movement and the scientific management of conflicts and conflict situations through science.
For further questions please sent us an email.
Some of our texts are also available in English (see below). We try to enlarge the availability of English texts constantly.
AI-based Targeting – The Case of Gaza
Paper presented at the Pre-Conference Workshop “Imaginations of Autonomy: On Humans, AI-Based Weapon Systems and Responsibility at Machine Speed”
(13. Juni 2024)
Europäische Sicherheitsforschung und der Krieg in Gaza
EU-Forschungsförderung unterstützt israelische Rüstungsindustrie
Christoph Marischka (22. März 2024)
Convergence of the War Hawks
Hillary Clinton and a Bipartisan Plan to Extend American Power
Keegan Farley (5. Oktober 2016)
IMI lädt ein: Convergence of the War Hawks
Dienstag, den 6.9.2016, 19:00 Uhr im IMI-Büro (Sudhaus, Hechinger Straße 203, Tübingen)
IMI (5. September 2016)
Expansion – Association – Confrontation
EUrope‘s Neighbourhood Policy, the Ukraine and the New Cold War Against Russia
Jürgen Wagner (10. März 2016)
Ukraine: The Long Arm of the EU
The Association Agreement and Expansionist Policies
Jürgen Wagner (Translation by Paul Carline) (27. April 2015)
Global Power Europe
The hidden imperial Agenda behind the European Council, 19./20. December 2013
Sabine Lösing / Jürgen Wagner (10. Dezember 2013)
A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing: European Security Strategy
Jürgen Wagner (14. Mai 2013)
The EU As a Driving Force of Armament
Pressure In Terms of Arms Build-Up, War Chests, and a Military-Industrial Complex for the World Power Europe
Jürgen Wagner (30. November 2012)
Lobbying Warfare
The arms industry’s role in building a military Europe
Malte Lühmann (7. November 2011)
“The law will bring peace”: A view on the European Gendarmerie Force (EGF)
Tim Schumacher (31. Dezember 2010)
Lobbyists in Arms
The Role of Corporate Interest Groups in the EU Military-Industrial Complex
Malte Lühmann (2. November 2010)
From Pax Americana to Pax Transatlantica? The Western Quest for Supremacy in the Era of Persistent Conflict
Jürgen Wagner (15. April 2010)
European Offensive: How Brussels is planning to militarize the Union until 2020
Sabine Lösing / Jürgen Wagner (11. März 2010)
The European External Action Service: “Joined-Up” Imperialism
Martin Hantke (11. Dezember 2009)
Why the strategic community embraces the Lisbon Treaty – and why we reject it!
Christoph Marischka / IMI (15. September 2009)
Verdict of the German Constitutional Court concerning the Lisbon Treaty: Court strenghtens Parliamentery Prerogative
But the Lisbon Treaty was made compliant with the constitution – now the Irish referendum is decisive
Tobias Pflueger (6. August 2009)
Waging War from the Provinces
The headquarters of the German-Netherlands Corps
Michael Schulze von Glaßer (9. Januar 2009)
Marshall Center & NATO School: NATO in the Bavarian Mountains
Franz Iberl (8. Januar 2009)
The French-German Brigade in Müllheim
Tobias Pflüger (7. Januar 2009)
How Ban Ki-moon subjugated the UN to NATO
UN Secretary-General praises NATO in secret maverick initiative
Christoph Marischka (6. Januar 2009)
NATO’s aggressive nuclear policy and missile defence
Arno Neuber (5. Januar 2009)
World Domination through the Control of Flows
NATO’s role in the militarization of migration
Christoph Marischka (4. Januar 2009)
The NATO 1949-91: brief review of a belligerent history
Joachim Guilliard (3. Januar 2009)
Brothers in spirit: Intensification of EU-NATO co-operation
Tobias Pflüger (2. Januar 2009)
The NATO War in Afghanistan:
Prototype for Neoliberal Nation-Building and Civil-Military Counterinsurgency
Jürgen Wagner (1. Januar 2009)
Imperial Geopolitics: Ukraine, Georgia and the New Cold War between NATO and Russia
Martin Hantke (1. Januar 2009)
60 years of NATO are enough!
Confronting the war alliance with mass protests
Tobias Pflüger (1. Januar 2009)
Europe’s Militarization and the impact of the Irish NO against the Treaty of Lisbon
Paper presented at the Workshop Europe's military and defense poilcy, Attac Summer University, Saarbrücken, 2.8.2008
Jürgen Wagner (3. August 2008)
Militarism, Neoliberalism, Elitism: The Agenda of the French EU Council Presidency
Tobias Pflüger (1. Juli 2008)
A Call to vote NO against the militaristic Treaty of Lisbon
Tobias Pflüger (2. Juni 2008)
A Crucial NATO summit
The NATO summit in Bucharest took crucial decisions with far-reaching consequences for the alliance.
Tobias Pflüger (15. April 2008)
Iran in the Eye of Storm – Why a Global War Has Begun
Dokumentation / Ali Fathollah-Nejad (13. April 2007)
Signs of a New Arab Cold War
The 2006 Lebanon War and the Sunni-Shi‘i Divide
Dokumentation / André Bank und Morton Valbjorn (18. März 2007)
USA and Middle East – the real agenda of the American energy policy: The Balkanization of the Region and the Coming War with Iran
Jürgen Wagner (27. Februar 2007)
The European Union and the Military Security of Globalization
Jürgen Wagner (19. April 2006)
German Support of the War Against Iraq
Comment of Tobias Pflüger (MEP) on the Hearing: US ANTI-WAR ACTIVIST CINDY SHEEHAN, MAJOR FLORIAN PFAFF AND EUROPEAN WAR RESISTERS, Strasbourg, 14. March 2006
Tobias Pflüger (14. März 2006)
Munich Security Conference: NATO closes in front against Iran
Jürgen Wagner / Translated by Anna Cox (6. Februar 2006)
Militarization by treaty or why Europe's constitutional treaty is endangering peace
Tobias Pflueger (23. März 2005)