Das Costs-of-War-Projekt der Brown University hat einen neuen Bericht über die wesentlichen Profiteure der rund 14 Billionen Dollar, die das Pentagon seit Beginn des Afghanistan-Krieges ausgegeben hat. 4,4 Billionen seien an Rüstungsunternehmen gegangen und zwar vor alle man die fünf großen Systemanbieter: „Total Pentagon expenditures for all purposes since Fiscal Year 2001 have topped $14.1 trillion (measured in 2021 dollars). Of this sum, $4.4 trillion went for weapons procurement and research and development (R&D), categories that primarily benefit corporate contractors. […] One-quarter to one-third of all Pentagon contracts in recent years have gone to just five major weapons contractors: Lockheed Martin, Boeing, General Dynamics, Raytheon, and Northrop Grumman.” (jw)