Eine neue Studie des Center for Strategic and International Studies (via Bpb-Newsletter) beschäftigt sich mit dem Ausmaß, in dem Angehörige von Militär und Polizei in den USA in Terroranschläge verwickelt seien: „The data indicate that U.S. military personnel have been involved in a growing number of domestic terrorist plots and attacks. (…) The growth is notable since individuals with a military or law enforcement background have skills that extremists want – such as proficiency in firing weapons, building explosive devices, conducting surveillance and reconnaissance, training personnel, practicing operational security, and performing other types of activities. (…) (T)he motivations for terrorism have shifted dramatically over the past two decades, from religious extremists inspired by al-Qaeda and the Islamic State after September 11, 2001, to white supremacists, anarchists, and others today.“ (jw)