Die Military Times berichtet, „Lessons Learned”, die vom US-Militär gezogen wurden, nachdem im Zuge der #BlackLivesMatter-Proteste zahlreiche US-Soldaten eingesetzt worden waren: „Active-duty troops should be used only as a last resort in direct civilian law enforcement roles. Police should wear distinct uniform colors during protests when the military is present. And troops should be careful about lending out equipment to law enforcement with the word “military” to avoid confusing civilians. Those are some of the lessons the nation’s top military’s top civilian and uniformed leaders offered to Congress as the explained the DoD’s role in the civil unrest that followed in the wake of what prosecutors say was the murder of a Black man, George Floyd, by a white Minneapolis police officer. […] Tens of thousands of troops were mobilized around the country to help with crowd control, including thousands from 11 states sent into the District of Columbia, and another 1,700 active-duty troops who were staged in Maryland and Virginia in case of emergency.” (jw)