IMI-Aktuell 2020/286

Mali: Frankreichs Afghanistan?

von: 22. April 2020


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Ein Artikel bei War on the Rocks rät Frankreich zu einem Rückzug aus Mali – die Situation habe sich gegenüber vor dem Einmarsch verschlimmert und die französische Präsenz stünde Waffenstillstandsverhandlungen im Wege: „France is not succeeding at stabilizing the Sahel. In fact, things are getting worse. The years from 2017 through 2019 were all more violent than 2012 and 2013, the period still sometimes thought of as Mali’s time of crisis. A recent New York Times report observed, ‘France now finds itself stuck in the Sahel, much like the United States found itself in Afghanistan and Iraq — spending years and billions of dollars on fighting highly mobile Islamist groups in difficult, unfamiliar terrain, with no end in sight.’ […] RAND Corporation analyst Michael Shurkin has suggested that there are two alternatives to the status quo: a French withdrawal or an intensification of its role in Mali to the point where France ‘drops its post-colonial scruples and assumes more control over the host nations and their forces’.” (jw)